Never in my wildest dreams did I dream my journey through this life would include multiple visits to a federal prison. And not just any federal prison--but THE ONE in Miami, Florida. I'd never even thought about visiting Miami--it's too far south and it's too hot, even in December. But we are called to do things we never dream of when it concerns your very own son. Some of these "things" were done by sheer determination that I had to put one foot in front of the other and move forward. Some of these steps meant climbing the steps to enter a federal building only to be pushed through doors that automatically locked behind you. There were feelings of incompetence --what had I done wrong?--what could I do now?--was this really happening?--where was God when this was taking place?--and was He here in what seemed to be a God-forsaken place. Guards did not smile or ask how you were. Every time I entered I was afraid I would forget to put the few things I needed--driver's license, the one key to my car, change for the vending machines--all in a qt. size baggie --and not be allowed to enter that one time in the week that we were allowed to visit for an hour--all of THIS after traveling 600 miles. Our life's journey does take us through many terrains--some are beautiful and our desire is to visit and revisit with each time only adding to our pleasure. I cannot get enough of watching waves roll in as I see the ocean stretched across the horizon--the ocean seems to go on forever! But the journey of visiting your son in a federal penitentiary is not a part of the journey one expects to look forward to. And I discovered that God is there , He knows, He cares and His plan for your journey is for His purpose of bringing peace AND joy to your life as you learn to trust Him beyond any means of your own comprehension and most importantly to bring glory to Himself!
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