Friday, September 6, 2013

Can't believe I thought that----

This morning standing in my kitchen doing last night's dishes-out of the blue-"Can I trust you, Lord?"  Wherever did that come from?--my innermost feelings that are not even conscious, something I have denied for so long?  I know the right answers--am I just hoping that what I have been taught and even experienced are true?  I don't have the answers--maybe for too long I have just put one foot in front of the other and kept on going saying over and over to myself "I know this is what I am suppose to believe?"
Lord, I do not want just head knowledge--I want to know You and all You have for me.  And guess what? I even write that with a little hesitation!  The journey seems so long and the past how I wish I could change so many things--I think for the better!  It has been so hard to listen and WAIT!  That one word has been like an anchor around my neck that I have drug around for too long and yet "IT" keeps coming up in scripture, even out of the mouths of those around me.  How can I yield completely to You?  This is my question for today.  Where will you show up?  I know You will!