Do not be afraid--I wonder how many times that phrase appears in Scripture. The one I am reading today-the angel tells the shepherds to not be afraid--is a beginning devotional to Advent. And it causes me to think about the number of times I am afraid. Afraid of facing tomorrow not knowing where I will spend my last days, not knowing what Joe's bottom line issue with health is, afraid that the money will run out, afraid that we will lose our home, and the list goes on and on. Who is in charge here? It better not be me!! 'cause I know what I would do if I were God! He must look down and laugh and chuckle to himself, "My goodness gracious--hasn't she tried that route enough?? Evidently NOT--but I still love her and it is ok. I knew her as she was being formed==she is my handiwork. Sometimes it takes longer for her to realize who she really is but I knew that when she was only a thought in her dad and mom's mind. Keep looking and you will find --keep reading and praying and you will find there is no need for fear--she does not take one step without her Father's knowledge."
That is the good news--remind me daily--no, minute by minute!!!