When this "event" happened a whole new journey began. I thought I knew where I was going in this life, but visiting a federal prison was not one of the Seven Wonders I planned to include in my travels. I knew there would be turns in the road but never did I think of a complete detour--a sorta falling off the face of the earth!
I have never questioned whether or not there is a God. I grew up in a small Baptist church in a small rural community, married, joined a large Presbyterian church because we loved the minister because of his love for the congregation and his British accent. After investigating the doctrine and believing the Apostles Creed--"I believe in God the Father, Maker of Heaven and Earth and in Jesus Christ His only son..." we continued to be Presbyterians. Our lives continued to be rather normal--a upper middle-class 2 sons happy family. And then a phone call comes that the oldest son has been arrested--for what? How? where is he? Are you sure? And my question was not Is there a God? but God WHAT are you doing? Your Word says You do not sleep. Ok if you do not sleep how did this get past you? One continues to walk and talk but life looses its feelings except for the unbelief in what is happening. And the realization comes that I am not in control, He Is!
Several years ago we had been in a Bible study that had been centered around Rick Warren's book. I never got much past the beginning sentence--I Am Not In Control! But I thought I was!